
Anissa is a Makeup Artist located in the French part of Canada. She is originally from Manitoba, but tends to travel quite a bit.

Originally a graphic designer, she has learned through the years to combine her graphic arts background with her artistic one. She combines both when creating makeups, selecting images and writing posts.

She has studied abroad in both of her specialties. First in Paris for her design and later on in London at AOFM (Academy Of Freelance Makeup) for her Makeup Artistry.

Since graduating, she has made it her mission to be as varied in her work as possible. Working in TV, Commercial, Theatre and Fashion. Every industry teaches her something and allows her to enlarge her knowledge of the Artistry as well as always push herself forward. Projects include Mexico Campaign for Nuda Canada, New York Fashion Week and The Nutcracker.

Next step, blogging. She has always enjoyed writing, and this is now the perfect outlet. Sharing her knowledge and experiences with beauty junkies, new makeup artists and every day ladies.

Stay tuned, a lot more is coming from this Artist that is slowly but surely making a name for herself.